GSR Resources
Who is a GSR?
The GSR is an active member of an NA group and its representative at local service meetings. Groups and their members rely on their GSRs to stay connected with other groups in an NA community and to the rest of NA. The Second Concept states that NA groups have “final responsibility and authority” for the service bodies they create. The GSR makes it possible for this principle to be a reality.
Why be a GSR?
A Vision for NA Service reminds us that our commitments should offer “spiritual growth and fulfillment.” A GSR commitment is where many of us first begin to learn how NA services are structured outside of our groups. We come to understand how spiritual principles guide our service work and support our primary purpose. We may learn skills and discover abilities during the course of our service, and we learn to use those abilities in other areas of our lives. This is part of the reason why some of us talk about the privilege of being of service. Being a GSR is one way to express the gratitude we have for NA and the life that it has given us.
Duties and Responsibilities
To provide information to their home group members about the decisions and actions of the E.K.A.S.C., and the N.A. service structure in general. Also, in how to become involved in N.A. service.
To register their home group with the E.K.A.S.C. Secretary and with the World Service Office (W.S.O.).
Is responsible to attend all regularly scheduled E.K.A.S.C. monthly meetings.
Responsible for getting monthly EKASC minutes from the area secretary.
Is responsible to attend all home group monthly business meetings.
To provide “G.S.R. Reports” to the E.K.A.S.C. Secretary, for the purpose of archiving and printing in the
E.K.A.S.C. monthly minutes.To carry group contributions and literature orders to the E.K.A.S.C. Treasurer and Literature Committee, to be paid by cheque or money order (when possible).
To represent their group conscience when proposing, discussing and voting on motions brought to the E.K.A.S.C., and to act on behalf of the group in the absence of group conscience for motions proposed outside of New Business.
To bring motions proposed in New Business, and nominations for elections, back to the home group, in order to expressly receive group conscience, in order that it be voted on at Area the following month.
To know your “Welcome Package” information and E.K.A.S.C. Policies and Guidelines, as these will help you in performing your job as G.S.R.